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How do ScreenwritingU classes work?

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  • Ronhorton21

    Over my 74 years I've taken, and taught, a lot of classes. These are the first I've ever taken where I felt like I walked into the classroom, had the teacher put a book and lesson plan on my desk, and then walked out, never to be heard from again. I don't know why you have chosen to not reply to my emails, but it's keeping me from considering any further classes.
    I do appreciate the teaser lessons, and I do learn things from them. But, I don't agree with the way you run your classes.
    Just my thoughts.

  • Jerryfish1958

    I have to agree with those who felt they were being ignored when trying to communicate with Hal unless, of course, your interested in the program in which he will respond immediately!  I tried to find out when the classes started if I could roll my tuition into a future class due to some unexpected personal issues.  Tried and tried to reach him by email and then a voicemail but to no avail.  So I got behind right away and since that time have taken all the class assignments we get by email and have forward them to a folder.  I am planning on starting the sessions next week and I will not be very happy if access is denied for some reason .  I

    I also signed up for the monthly payments which are deducted like clockwork!

  • Keith Cain58

    I'm totally frustrated, no access, and no replies to my messages over 7 days, when will you reply?  
    I have no access to anything, forums or otherwise.  

    Personally I'm starting to think ypu've ripped me off


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